Dilemma 1 | Большие Идеи

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Dilemma 1

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Венчурный ИИ: чем алгоритмы и инвесторы могут помочь друг другу

Дитмар Гричник,  Иво Блом,  Йоаким Винсент,  Малин Мальмстрем,  Торбен Антреттер,  Шарлотта Сирен

Industry your business belongs to is subject to government regulation which for complex of reasons is getting stricter every year. The numerous bans and restrictions negatively affect economic effectiveness of the business as require additional financing and people resources for key business processes and disable loyal consumers purchase your products at the desired time and place. Government Relations team declares that there is an option to initiate close cooperation with regulatory authorities to lobby industry interests – as substitute to resistance to the upcoming bans. The change of focus will provide better predictability and thus more time to prepare for new rules and adjust business. Driving within the channel we provide regulatory authorities with better understanding of our industry concerns and challenges. Currently company already participates in expert commissions and working groups having real tools to influence authorities. Why providing them with additional arguments against us? Such cooperation will speed up worst scenario and deprive your company of guaranteed solid income for additional couple of years strengthening financial burden as well. Meanwhile every player in the market strives to invest in innovation incentives to capture Market Share.